he's supposed to be half filipino, but they just made him look greasy.

i dunno, he's in prison so maybe he supposed to look unwashed there, but than they kicked into the story before his ass got locked up.

i hadn't looked at the cast list after it was announced, i only knew of MatsuJun, Aragaki Yui and Nakai Kichii. but i was pleasently suprised with:

i just realized all those caps are backwards, what the hell screencap device.
also Ikeuchi Hiroyuki is in it but i didn't get a screencap of him, even though hes one of the hottest dudes on earth.
its a pretty awesome cast, its kinda like 6 degrees of kevin bacon except 6 degrees of jun masumoto.
jun was in hanadan and gokusen with shun, shun was in GTO with hiroyuki ikeuchi, who was also in GTO with hidenori tokuyama, who was in HOLYLAND with yuma ishigaki, who was in hana kimi with shun and also gokusen with matsujun. okay 5 degrees. not counting all the other times. i bet the set of Smile is pretty laid back since most everyone is familiar with each other.
and the last thing: its like that scene in BAMBINO! where Sato Ryuta kicked his ass in the rain :D *smile*

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