this post is going to make me come off as a total asshole, probably because i am.
this post isn't intended to come off as "i'm a better fan than you because i feel this way." it's just a rant because they are fun once in awhile, especially when it comes to idols.
i am not a rabid Jin fan, so the things i say below aren't jumping to his defense because he is the Akanishi. but because he is a member of that sparkly thing that is the K-A-T-T-U-N that i love. if Kame, Koki, Guch, Maru or Ueda were in his position, well this post would be about one of them instead. so as with all the members, he has my full support no matter how much i like to make fun of him at the gym working on his guns for 5 hours straight. shouldn't he be lookin like popeye now?.
i had alot of things to say without sailor speak that were mature that i left on other blogs, but this is my corner of the universe to piss, and piss i shall! on to the goods!
ladies and gentleman the epic return of KUNTT! now i can make pervy jokes and D-motion. \(:D)/
the time has come, Jin needs his in-N-out fix. he will embark on a journey across the ocean to a magical place called LA again, only this time instead of vodka and paper hats, he will be performing solo!
i tried reading through the comments all over the internet, may have only skimmed the tip of the iceberg, and i may just be a total bitch...but half of it is so fucking annoying. no wonder i turned off the computer when the guy went on "hiatus" (aka paid party vacation) last time.
chill out girls, no one will ever know the "real reasons" behind why this would happen at such an important time (overseas tour) for KAT-TUN. you can play the bash and blame game "omg, it's a conspiracy to make Kame popular again!1!". but isn't it easier to accept the situation for what it is. i alsmost feel stupid saying that because i'm posting about it, but i realized that mostly im posting about some fan wanking and not the asia tour/jin solo situation itself.
the music industry over there, especially Johnny's is so secretive and fucked up. so just listen to what the media says about it, and roll with the punches. come oct we'll see what happens. who cares if it was his decision, or the company, it's going to happen and there is shit you can do about it, except as a fan be supportive. not raising a stink about "6 MEMBERS NOT 5111!!!!!111" and "HE'S SO SELFISH11!!!!"
or the un-avoidable stupidity that is "if Jin isn't going to be performing with KAT-TUN, i'm not going to go to their concerts".
when people say shit like that, it leads me to belive they don't even listen to music. do yourselves a favor and get your brain out of your vagina/dick, clean the wax out of your ears and turn PEACEFULDAYS up to volume 11. otherwise go google his naked AnAn magazine scans to touch yourself to and shut the fuck up! damn, that felt so mean just to type it out. but its just that its annoying how some people parade around going "I LOVE *insert group/band name here*!" but jump ship as soon as *random guys name* goes off and does their own thing.
like once i was at a live with a girl who shall remain nameless and she says to me "you know i don't listen to *band we went to see* anymore, not since *name of old bass player* left". i wanted to ask what she did she not listen to them at all anymore, or did she not listen to anything after he left the band. but either answer would have made no sense to me whatsoever, so i didn't say anything. just thinking about it makes me feel like i'm in toon town, its completly fucking bonkers! i think that's what pisses me off about alot of pretty boy music fans, it seems like faces come before anything else. moving right along...
KAT-TUN, is coming to a country near you, how is that not a good thing? even without Jin, i'm sure there will be enough Koki to go around to MAKE U WET. do you know how bad i'd like to see the Guch tapdance through glitter?! and they are bringing Kis-My-Ft2 with them. nuff said.
Jin will be the first Johnny's to perform in the US as a solo act. again, how is that not a good thing? he will shower the audience with LOVEJUICE and rack in the hoes, converting them into mindless K-T zombies like me. they will be more popular than ever. since i can't run off to South Korea or Taiwan, i'll be off to Los Angeles where i will try to persuade A---- to dance our ass off to his slick grooves. Wait for me Jin!
so really, to the collective being of K-T that i adore, good luck where ever you end up. i'm cheering for all you boys.
i have more on the matter, but it's the internets and my opinion means shit, so i'll let Jin have the final word. (i don't know which i like more, the in-n-out version or the original, oh well they both stay)

This post was obscene!
Seriously though, you're right on point. Now if you'll excuse me, I must work on my Gunz...
i know right, but it shouldn't be suprising considering you hear me talk like that everyday.
and atleast i didn't include that one thing i said about slaying fans know what....sounds like sock
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