Tuesday, February 23, 2010


i just finished watching women's figure skating short program. american skater Mirai Nagasu got a nosebleed due to spinning so fast. wtf.

its poopee's 3 year aniv. last two years the speacial (AKA expensive) limited item was a crocidile purse. this year, its a beddazled fish clutch. girls are complaing that its seriously fug. i think, it fuckin rules.

and there is a new hairstyle "MOHAWK ARRANGER". got and got.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

"S H O on the track"

Sho Sakurai, my Immortal heart belongs to you, will you be my valentine?

"what's my name?" *girls scream* "that's right YO!"

can we say, slick as fuck <3

Monday, February 8, 2010


i'll edit this once i can think straight and make a post about it, until then asasasfdasfadfs KOKI! CHRIS TUCKER NO MORE. Nakamaru/Kame/Tanaka...can you feel the memeber aiiiiiii dios mio!! i can
GUUUUCH, why do you suddenly make me want to pay attention to you?