Thursday, May 27, 2010


of all the screencaps i have been meaning to crop and post, this most recent one goes first. go figure... Brisky and Doala were so hilarious yesterday...nuff said. Doala's reaction was very cute.
i know they won't read this, but this screencap had so many views (over 300 *_*, i usually only get 20), so thank you to everyone who RT-ed it.
i think i only had one other capture of this game, and it was of... Yoh's butt. :s

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

gimme tha loot

sometimes things on poopee girl make no sense. like who the fuck walks around with a teapot as a fashion accessory, yet its cleary supposed to be one as its in the new "unique accessories" piyo catcher. the piyo catcher is a new thing, where yeah...its a virtual UFO machine and little avatar things pops up and suprises you with its fuglyiness (more or less).
everything except the black tank-top is the haul from these new accessory catcher.
some ugly ass feather earrings, ugly flower belt and bracelet. some tights which i can't tell if they are supposed to be grey and pink, or some muted purple?

the "unique" one is pretty hilarious.
a pink bear waist pouch (awesome!), headphones, butterfly tattoos, teapot (again wtf), strawberry handkercheif, some journal/notebook thing?, a head band that i assume is devil horns with a rose corsage but i am insisting is a stag beatle instead, and the icing on the pink shutter shades. i didn't even think people even wore those anymore except for Makoto Peace from Def ROCKSTA...